Federal Patent Court


Annual reports

Every year, the Federal Patent Court’s press office publishes an annual report. In its first section, the report outlines key decisions from the previous year concerning the law of patents, utility models, trade marks and designs. The second part of the report includes figures and statistics on the Court’s caseload, as well as additional information on the Court’s other work such as patent attorney training.

Download annual reports from 2010 onwards

Print copies of the Annual Report 2022 can be requested via pressestelle@bpatg.bund.de.

Information brochure

With our brochure "Federal Patent Court" we would like to inform you about the tasks and the organisation of the Federal Patent Court. 
Download information brochure
Print versions can be requested via pressestelle@bpatg.bund.de.

Conference volumes

Since its first symposium in 2007, the Federal Patent Court has traditionally held international symposiums every two years on current issues in patent and trade mark law. The presentations from these events are then compiled and published in the form of a conference volume.

Download all conference volumes

Additional Information

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    Press office

    +49 89 69937-260

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